St. Egidius Church Organ Restoration


J S Bach: Chorale Prelude "Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier", BWV 731
This is one of many short, embellished accompaniments to a chorale familiar to Bach's congregations at Arnstadt or Weimar. Composed between 1706 and 1716, it sets the chorale melody in the right hand with written-out ornamentation. Beautifully illustrated by the flutes of the St Egidius organ, this prelude displays a strikingly fresh and delicate luminosity.

J S Bach: Toccata & Fugue in D Minor, BWV 565
The best-known of the organ works of Bach, and perhaps the most famous work in the entire organ repertoire. Doubts have been cast over its authorship (is it actually by Bach?) and its original form (was it originally for solo violin?). It made its film debut in Walt Disney's Fantasia. It is written in three sections. The famous opening toccata, full of rhetorical flourishes, is followed by a lengthy fugue which incorporates delightful echo effects. As the tension slowly builds up, an interrupted cadence heralds the concluding recitative returning to the improvisatory spirit of the opening.

J S Bach: Chorale Prelude "Herzlich Tut mich verlangen", BWV 727
Another short embellished accompaniment to an even better known chorale.

Herbert Howells: Psalm-Prelude, Opus 32, No 1
The characteristic cadences of the music of Herbert Howells are very familiar to those brought up in the tradition of English church music. His contribution to the modern organ repertoire is probably the most significant of any British composer. The first of a set he wrote in 1915 aged just 24, this Prelude illuminates in music the sixth verse of Psalm 34:
"This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles."
Many of the features that characterise Howells' organ music can be heard here: an architectural sweep from the still opening through the blazing and impassioned climax to the quietest of endings. The period when this work was written marked the first of several melancholic stages in the composer's life when many of his friends were enduring the horrors of the First World War.

J Brahms: Choral Prelude "Es ist ein Ros entsprungen", Op 122
Brahms was one of the few romantic composers to revive the chorale prelude art-form. This one comes from a set composed in 1896 in memory of Clara Schumann and a year before his own death. The mood is one of profound despondency and grief.

William Mathias: Processional
Composed in 1964, this is a popular organ piece by a modern Welsh composer whose music featured at the wedding service of Prince Charles and Diana.

Michael Roberts was Organ Scholar in the early 1980s at Oxford University's Brasenose College where he met his wife, the pianist Margaret Ozanne. While she has pursued a professional career in music performing with the Holywell Ensemble and teaching at Surrey University, he has turned to diplomacy - although he still enjoys conducting choirs whenever he can.
They have been posted to Brussels, Athens and Ankara. In August 2007 they moved to Bratislava where Michael is British Ambassador.

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